"I am Jean's only daughter and Cookie's baby sister. I can't express my pride and joy in celebrating my beloved mother and cherished big brother. My mom was a gentle and creative soul. Being so young, I can't remember the hard times and limited resources, but my mom strived to ensure I had a wonderful childhood.
My fondest memories are of her making paper dolls with matching clothes. She was so creative! She would sketch people, and I would use the pictures as a coloring book. She saved old clothes and helped me make chic outfits for my doll babies and favorite Barbie.
While I was only 12 when she passed away, I will never forget her pretty hair, perfume, and creativity. I hope to be at least half the woman and possess even half the strength of Jean.
My big brother was so much more than a brother. He was a confidant, prayer partner, and ATM when I was in college! Cookie would come to my school's open houses and meet with every teacher. He taught me to drive, budget, balance a checkbook, and always give back. Cookie was instrumental in catapulting my career by encouraging me to take a chance and move over 1,000 miles away (alone!) for a job. He was right, and I will forever be grateful. I can't imagine my life without hearing him call me sugar, Doll Baby, and RENEE DENISE, lol. I am thankful to God for allowing Cookie to be my big brother, if only briefly".