"I didn’t get the chance to meet my mother-in-law, Jean, in person, but judging from the beautiful woman my wife is... with a caring heart towards others, humble, funny, and a bright light to those who cross her path… it’s a testament to who you were. I wish I could have met you in person if only once, hugged you, and promised to take good care of Renee. Since we didn’t meet, I promise to give charitably in your honor.
What struck me about Ron early on was that Ron, aka “Cookie,” was about his business in every way. Cookie was a no-nonsense but caring individual who gave freely of himself. Ron was very protective of his little sister, my wife Renee, but once he got comfortable with me, he opened up, and we became friends. I asked him for permission to marry his sister.. ..he approved and seemed relieved that he didn’t have to worry so much about Renee anymore.
As I got to know him, I watched him and witnessed his charity, love of God, family, and friends. He was a blessing to all those who knew him and became a blessing to my life. In his honor, I vow to keep his “If I Can Help Somebody” spirit alive."